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Showing posts from October, 2018

Will the Whale

I once pet the tail of Will the whale Whose brush with the boat clear cracked the sail Left lone adrift, I felt fear emerge ‘Til Will came back to escape the surge For old Will had seen all the fish unite To advance upon any sign or sight Any sign or sight of those whales at sea Who decided to eat their kind with me Though that mass of fish had scared Will enough That he lost all sign of him seeming tough Still Will had hoped that his side would win So he brought back to me a large pod of kin Who decided to swim a few feet away When the fish approached to keep them at bay Then Will turned ‘round to see face to face The same swift, fast fish who kept up the pace Then we all could see that his fish-filled jail Would lead to the end of old Will the whale.

Quill the Quail

I once heard the tale of Quill the quail Whose first found friend was a hole-filled pail Quill thought strange of his friend’s pocked face So he plugged the holes to remove the trace ‘Til Farmer John picked up that rust pot To quench the thirst of plants that felt hot But John learned quick to his own disdain That he poured out air and had worked in vain First once then twice old John had thought That the drink the pail had simply not caught Until at Quill he took a long look Quill’s face betrayed the blame that Quill took His wings Quill flapped, but his flight would fail And that was the end of Quill the quail.

Gabe the Goat

I once got a gift named Gabe the goat Who grew green grass to sooth his sore throat Now Gabe saw fit to defend his land But he found real fast it was made of quicksand So he tiptoed light to escape the fray ‘Til a step on a stone disclosed his last day For the stone sank deep to reveal a moat And that was the end of Gabe the goat.

Fin the Fish

I once caught a friend named Fin the fish Whose life in a bowl filled a boy’s first wish At first flaked food dropped fine and few Yet still Fin’s frame that bowl outgrew Fin got scared that he’d lose his place So he jumped real high into air-filled space Then late one day the bowl didn't catch But Fin found hope in the light of a match The source of the light was a nearby hat Unbeknownst to the fish lay inside a cat That cat real quick made Fin a dish And that was the end of Fin the fish.

Ben the Bear

I once caught a glare from Ben the bear Who sat in his lair upon a chair Ben looked fierce with angry glance His face told me I had no chance Ben then rose to eight full feet Then tore through space to find his meat But then poor Ben tripped on a mound His airborne mass flew pound for pound Above my head the bear then flew Then down down down old Ben fell through I dove with all my might to move And all the while revealed a groove I turned to find that in my luck Old Ben's big frame had become stuck To help old Ben I did not dare So that was the end of Ben the bear.