I've heard two comments over the past two days relating to illusions. The first was at the gym, where I overheard a man talking about the "illusion of choice," the idea being we think we have the power to choose the directions of our lives, but in fact are dictated by conditions out of our control. The second I heard at Barnes and Noble today. A cafe employee was taking people's orders and telling those without food or beverages that the cafe was reserved for patrons. When she left, I heard a man in the corner tell a stranger that this event highlighted an "illusion of happiness." He then went onto explain that the hospitality industry-- in places like Starbucks and Disneyland-- creates a setting that provides happiness to people, but that this happiness only exists for those who pay for their services. This second illusion brought back to mind what I'd read earlier on a blog (see markgalli.com, " Starbucks Homeless Bathrooms," N...