I wrote the post at the end of this post (separated by space) two years ago in May. I look back at myself last year and the year before and witness the subtle changes I've experienced since that time. On the outside, I am no longer a leadership teacher (for one of the two electives we teach), but a computer applications teacher. I am no longer a student council advisor (in fulfillment of the duty outside the classroom that each teacher bears), but a technology assistant. These are very different roles that I believe characterize the change I've seen in myself over the past years, or that shaped that change. A leadership teacher must be himself ready to lead; must invite discussion of diverse ideas and, therefore, potential conflict about those ideas, and must be a visible presence in the school as his students execute their plans. While the computer teacher is many of these things, as well, he is much less visible. Indeed, students in his own class spend most of their time look...