It was the lights. These are what drew me to the idea of taking a trip to Las Vegas. I pictured neon casino signs lighting the night sky, painting the streets below varied and changing colors. To be honest, that's about as much as I knew of Las Vegas, never having been there and seeing only images on television or online. As I experienced Las Vegas over the past four days, however, the most glaring omission from my mental picture became especially clear on Friday evening: the people. Throngs of people walked the "strip"--the name for Las Vegas Boulevard, where the major hotels and other attractions reside--alongside my friend and me as we explored the area. The only other places I had seen so many people in such a widespread space were other major cities: New York and Boston, in particular. Lights and people aside, my friend and I enjoyed some of the attractions of the city. The most memorable, for me, was the Titanic exhibit, where a huge section of the ship's hul...