If there's one thing I've found in the last week, it's that my world is smaller than I thought it was. Sickness will do that to you, you know. I've had a cold for the past week, a cold that's halted my normal routine and forced me to understand myself in a different light, if only for the duration of a week's time. Having your ability to work taken from you, or at least hindered, and being compelled to rest, has forced me to stop and think about why I do the things I do. I've found that my very identity comes in large part from what I do, and losing the ability to continue in that mode has ushered inside me a sense of confusion and disillusionment. Some would shrug with a deprecating gesture and wonder why I even bring up the point. "Aren't all males like that?" they might respond. Many are, I'm sure, but not all; and even among those for whom it is true, it doesn't have to be that way. Many men find that their value isn't defin...