1. Ralph Waldo Emerson once penned these words (or something close to it): “Do not say things. What you are stands over you the while and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary.” In other words, a person’s actions will tell much more about her than her words. We know others by their courage or their cowardice, by their diligence or their idleness, and by their kindness or their cruelty. Interestingly enough, we find we are inspired by the courageous, diligent, and kind of heart; and yet turned away by the cowardly, idle, and cruel. Why is this true? I believe it is because we see something in the former that we seek for ourselves. We want to become more than we are, and when we see others who personify that dream, we are moved to action. 2. The word character originally referred to the mark that was fashioned by an engraving tool; specifically, the mark you found on a coin. This is a telling definition, because it implies that the qualities that make us who we...